
Depilex Role in Fashion | Depilex and Makeup Industry

Makeup (Beauty and Skin Care) has been an essential part of humankind for thousands of years. The origin of makeup and beauty care cannot be digging out but classically it starts from the use of copper and lead ore from the age of ancient Egypt. At that time women were used lead and copper to make their eyes, lips and face beautiful. Since then the evolution and research on best cosmetics has been taken and today it has developed a multibillionaire industry. Today’s modern society has obsessed with appearance and look and feel. Ladies have become even more conscious about skincare rather than health. The modern circumstances have supported the emergence of modern beauty and makeup tricks and techniques. The science of makeup is just nothing rather than making your appearance good and presentable.

Banish bad hair Days

By: Bachel Grumman
How much you Know about the condition of your scalp and hair? You can find out more through a scalp analysis by a trained technician or trichologist, who will help you pinpoint the treatments and products that will yield healthier, problem-free lock.

First, a special magnifying camera reveals not only what genetics gave you dryness, oiliness, dandruff, psoriasis, thinning hair but also the effects of chemical processing and your daily hair care routine. Even something as simple as product buildup can be a big problem, according to Ronald Williams of Phyto Universe in Manhattan.

Then, armed with this detailed information, the technician can design a customized treatment such as applying essential oils to moisturize a parched scalp and to use at home.
Valerie Marie Kemp, of J.F Lazartigue Hair Analysis Center in Manhattan, notes that it’s important to treat both your scalp and hair. “Of you have very fine hair and are using a volume shampoo all week, you are going to aggravate the oil glands in your scalp. “She Says. “You need to alternate with another shampoo to see better results”.

Hair and scalp analysts are usually free when getting a hair consultation or salon treatment; just ask your salon if it offers them.

