
Thanks for your donations

This is just a very quick post to extend my heartfelt gratitude to those generous people who have made donations over the past few months. You know who you are.

The guardians of the anti-obesity world benefit from funding by weight loss multinationals and Big Pharma, and access to places where many people listen to them. Academics who bring a critical perspective to fat stuff have the financial support of their institutions. Grassroots voices, like mine, operate on very modest means. In addition, we are often required to take great risks in speaking out, and in bearing the brunt of the backlash. Many of us regularly get hatemail and are targeted by trolls.

Every donation, no matter how big or small, helps keep me going and is greatly encouraging.

If you would like to help support my work on fat, including the writing I do for this blog, please use the PayPal 'Donate' button at the top on the right of the screen.
