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Tattoo Center. Gangsta Tattoos. Now you know! You don't have to be a gangsta or blood to be able to have a cool gangsta tattoo. More and more each day we are finding people of all ages and generations seeking out different and striking designs to make a statement. Whereas not so long ago it was the parents who would shudder at the thought of their children coming home with tattoos or body art symbolizing gang culture, nowadays the same cannot be said.
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Teens and young modern day people have always been open to the idea that yes you can look and admire gang art, but you don't necessarily have to buy in, but now so are the older generation. The most common gangsta tattoos are those that have evolved from tribal tattoos. Thousands of years ago, men from different tribes fought for food, for land and women and the way that they differentiated themselves from other tribesmen was by their body markings. This allowed them to be instantly belonging to a certain tribe.
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Gangster and mob culture today uses the same principals to show which group or gang that they belong to. Some of the designs are quite simple. Others are breathtakingly intricate and beautiful. They can incorporate body parts - skulls, bones etc, or simple lettering that you most often see on railways and subways or to mark a gangs hood. You will be astounded at the choice that you have. So the signs, symbols and tags that once were abhorred and now appreciated for their art, detail and beauty.
Gangsta Tattoo Design
So once you've made up your mind that you want a Gangsta or Tribal Tattoo, where do you find some great tattoo designs? My readers have found the easiest and simplest way is to use the web to find specialist tattoo design companies. These tattoo design companies have thousands upon thousands of designs that are added to daily. What this allows you to do is to pick a favourite or two and then go to a tattoo studio allowing you to show the tattooist exactly what you want.